The First Sale Rule: A Way to Reduce Exposure to US-China Tariffs?
We examine the First Sale rule under US Customs law and how firms can use it to navigate the raised tariffs due to the US-China trade war.
China’s Machinery Industry: Structural Reforms Bring New Incentives, Tax Breaks
Investment opportunities are opening up in China’s machinery industry, especially in upstream segments and high-tech manufacturing.
Annual Audit in China: Frequently Asked Questions
China requires all foreign invested enterprises including WFOEs, JVs, FICEs, and ROs to comply with the annual audit and other compliances.
Social Insurance in China: Prepare Your Business for Big Changes on January 1, 2019
Employers in China need to review their social insurance processes. From January 1, 2019, social insurance contributions will be levied by China’s tax bureau.
5 Fraud Prevention Strategies to Protect Your Business in China
We discuss five key strategies that foreign businesses should implement to limit their exposure to fraud in China.
China’s Soil Pollution Law Triggers New Compliances for Businesses
China’s soil pollution law escalates its fight against pollution and introduces stringent compliances for businesses, especially in heavy polluting sectors.
Mobile Payments in China: Why Foreign Businesses Should Adopt a Strategy
Chinese consumers’ payment preferences have evolved dynamically and very differently from the experience of Western countries. In this article, we explore mobile payments in China.
Why Businesses Automate HR and Payroll Processing in China
Advances in automation are forcing businesses to reimagine their human resources and payroll processing workflows in China.