China’s ‘One Window, One Form’ to Streamline Foreign Business Registration
China will implement a “One Window, One Form” policy to simplify the foreign business registration process and reduce the hours needed to prepare forms and liaise with different bureaus.
Beijing Announces Visa and FDI Incentives to Attract Foreign Talent
Beijing has announced new visa, residency, and foreign investment incentives in a bid to attract top overseas talent to its high-tech Zhongguancun Science Park.
China May Legalize Gambling in Hainan
China may legalize gambling in Hainan, the country’s southernmost province, according to media reports.
Market Opening Promised, Visa Incentives in Shanghai, and In-flight Smartphone Use – China Regulatory Brief
In this week’s China Regulatory Brief, we look at reform promises from one of China’s top economic advisors, visa and green card incentives in Shanghai, and relaxed electronics usage rules on Chinese airlines.
Work Permit Renewal Rules Updated, Visa Incentives for Top Talent Introduced – China Regulatory Brief
In this week’s China Regulatory Brief, we look at new visa incentives for top foreign talent, updated rules for work permit renewals, and the effects of domestic airfare price liberalizations.
Tax Incentives for Tech Service Firms, Formula Food Transition Period Extended – China Regulatory Brief
In this week’s China Regulatory Brief, we look at the nationwide extension of tax incentives for tech service firms, and the lengthened transition period for special purpose formula foods.
Withholding Tax on Non-resident Enterprises Clarified, Drug Law Revision for Comment – China Regulatory Brief
This week, we examine the SAT’s clarification on withholding tax on China-sourced income of non-resident enterprises and the CFDA’s drafts for drug law revision.
Registration of Drugs and Medical Devices Adjusted, Supply Chain Innovation Promoted – China Regulatory Brief
In this week’s China Regulatory Brief, China adjusts its management system for drugs and medical devices, a supply chain managment innovation campaign, and a pilot program to employ foreign legal counsels.