China Regulatory Brief: Market Regulation Plan Released and Promotion of Energy Conservation Standards
Promotion of renewable resources industry
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Science and Technology have jointly issued opinions regarding the development of the renewable resources industry. It aims that by 2020, a renewable resources industry system in possession of an innovative management system, advanced technical equipment, strong capability of resisting risks, and healthy and orderly development will be established. It also sets out goals that the recycling and utilization quantity of renewable resources will reach 350 million tonnes. It targets eight key fields of renewable resources, including iron and steel scraps, waste plastics, waste paper, waste tyre, and waste electrical and electronic products.
Guidelines for the development of new material industry
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Finance have jointly released guidelines for the development of the new material industry. The plan sets the development of new materials as the first priority, with production and application of such combined and actively developed, while traditional industries and the encouragement of strategic emerging industries should also form a large part of the plan. Key tasks such as improvement of new material industry standard systems, and implementing the so called “Internet +” new material initiatives were mentioned as key methods to meet the targets.
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Market regulation plan during the 13th Five Year Plan
The State Council has released a plan for market regulation during the period of the 13th Five Year Plan, which outlines the major tasks of the market regulation reform, focusing on the issuance of business licenses before regulatory licenses. It will also encourage the development of consolidated certification, such as the five-in-one business license, reforming the enterprise name review and approval system, and facilitating legal rights for companies to select a corporate name. Pre-approval of enterprise names will be gradually phased out. Methods such as online market, pyramid selling, direct selling, advertising, and security of special equipment will be key fields for market regulation.
Establishment plan for nationwide energy conservation standards system released
The National Development and Reform Commission and Standardization Administration of China have jointly issued a plan for building a national system of energy conservation standards. It states that by 2020, the system for energy conservation standards will cover all major high energy-consuming industries and energy-consuming terminal products, with more than 80 percent of the energy efficiency indicators reaching international energy conservation standards indicators in specific key fields. The proportion of the quality and profit assessment in the newly-released compulsory energy conservation standards will exceed 50 percent. In the field of industries, the formulation of the energy conservation technical standards for steel, nonferrous metal, petrochemical industry, and the chemical industry should be expedited; and in the field of commercial circulation, retail sector energy management systems and the standards for green shopping malls, markets, and services should be revised.
Asia Briefing Ltd. is a subsidiary of Dezan Shira & Associates. Dezan Shira is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in China, Hong Kong, India, Vietnam, Singapore and the rest of ASEAN. For further information, please email or visit Stay up to date with the latest business and investment trends in Asia by subscribing to our complimentary update service featuring news, commentary and regulatory insight.
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