November China Briefing Online Now

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cb-20081101.jpgNov. 3 – The November issue of China Briefing magazine is out now and available for download (click on the image – subscription required however this is complimentary).

With a global recession and domestic downturn in China just commencing, this issue examines lessons learned during the previous Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, SARS and the impact these slowdowns had on foreign invested business in China. We look at managing your cash flow, properly assessing your sales projections, dealing with creditors, and an alternative way to look at the value of the RMB when sourcing. We also examine expanding business elsewhere into Southeast Asia and look at the emerging, and potentially downturn proof markets of Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

In our series on China’s second- and third-tier cities, we focus on Liuzhou in Guangxi and Zhanjiang in Guangdong – both key cities in China’s increasing trade connections with the rest of ASEAN.

Included in this issue:

On the ground in China: Managing cash flow, dealing with creditors, assessing sales projections

On the ground China sourcing: Purchasing power parity, assessing the true buying value of the RMB

Expanding the China market: How emerging Asia will help counter the global downturn

3TC: Liuzhou and Zhanjiang