Legal & Regulatory

The JV vs. WFOE debate – Choosing between the options


Regulatory environment and existing partner infrastructure key decision drivers By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Mar. 18 – Recent comments on our and various other sites recently have sparked debate about the suitability of Joint Ventures and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOEs) as investment vehicles for foreign investors in China. While such debate has ranged from the somewhat […]

NPC: Official – China labor law criticism unfounded


Law there to protect workers from abuse, should not be seen as attempt to burden foreign investors with additional liabilities BEIJING, Mar. 11 – The Chinese Vice-Minister of Labor, Sun Baoshu stated yesterday that manufacturers were wrong to blame the new Labor Contract Law for the rising cost of production in China, and that certain […]

China joint ventures offer easier access to China markets


JVs seen as China development refinancing and cost effective investment vehicles by many multinational investors By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Mar. 10 – JVs are still a primary choice for foreign investors wishing to manufacture and sell onto the Chinese market. While recently, foreign legal media has appeared to dismiss China JVs as potential for problems and […]

Hong Kong ’08 budget proposes HK$75 billion in relief measures


HONG KONG, Feb. 27 – In his annual budget speech, Financial Secretary John Tsang announced a host of changes amounting to HK$75 billion tax reductions. While legislative amendments are required for implementing each of the relief measures proposed in the budget, the changes should provide a boost to the territory’s economy. Here’s a look at […]

China Briefing’s new technical guide to China M&As published


Definitive handbook to China M&A law and transaction processes BEIJING, Feb. 27 – China Briefing has just published the new 106 page China M&A guide, covering the full mergers and acquisition process in twelve chapters. Authored by seven staff of the legal and audit teams at Dezan Shira & Associates, the book was jointly written […]

Will the Anti-monopoly Law assist central regional development?


Additional M&A activity anticipated if China can banish SOE cartels By Chris Devonshire-Ellis SINGAPORE, Feb. 26 – Could China’s new anti-monopoly law, promulgated last August and coming into effect August, assist with paving the way for a resurgence of investment into China’s central and western regions? The new law also includes provisions for anti-monopoly policing, […]

Joint ventures in China as commercial investment sense


JVs still a valid legal vehicle for use in China manufacturing By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Feb. 20 – Joint Ventures (JVs) were the first legal entities to be promulgated and available for foreign direct investment into China and remain the vehicle of choice for many larger investments. The reasons for entering into a JV agreement are […]

Waging an “internet war” in China


Abuse of public forums designed to defame plaintiffs slowly being reined in Feb. 17 – In an ongoing trend in China, large numbers of legal disputes, which should be the preserve of the courts, are being aired via public forums. At China Briefing for example, we are involved with several litigation suits over the inappropriate […]

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