Establishing trading companies in China and obtaining import-export licenses

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China BriefingThe new issue of the China Briefing monthly magazine is now up and online. It is an examination of the establishment of trading companies – otherwise known as “FICEs” (Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprises) – with full details of the application procedures. The issue also explains the myriad of things that investors often forget – details such as the importance of properly planning the registered capital amount (it’s not a case of “minimum”), dealing with customs and VAT payer regsitrations – these affect your up front investment – and other tips and comments on matters such as the articles of association, the role of the labor union, and so on. Coupled with this is a new feature linked to this blog – regional updates on particular Chinese cities. There’s not so much published about specific regions – and at China Briefing we recognize the importance of the second tier cities.

Subscription to the magazine is free and you can download it from the main site at as well as get access to all archived issues.

Related archive issues:
Customizing your China WFOE – Getting the most from your foreign investment

China’s central regions and the Go Inland Campaign

China’s second tier cities – The emerging hotspots

Related China Briefing Bookstore titles:
Setting Up Wholly Foreign Invested Enterprises

Professional Services:
To access a pdf file outlining FICE applications and the services offered by Dezan Shira & Associates in respect of such work, please click here.