Personal Domain Name Registration Banned

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Dec. 15 – The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) has banned the registration of internet domain names for personal use unless it is for licensed businesses or state-approved organizations effective immediately.

CNNIC regulations requires that those wanting to register a .CN domain name must personally submit an application form with the company seal, a photocopy of the company’s business license and photocopy of registrant ID. 

Websites that fail to file a written application with the agency within 5 days of making the online application will have their domain names deleted.

“The applications in written form, rather than online application, can make our work more accurate,” said Liu Zhijiang, the center’s vice director. The new rules are aimed to restrict the industry and prevent illegal use and submission of fake information.

Chinese internet censorship is considered one of the most powerful in the world; blocking access to online content deemed illegal or contrary to the political views of the Communist Party.