Economy & Trade

Have U.S. – EU quality standards been used as a form of protectionism against China?


Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis The news last week that Mattel have recalled one million car toys due to lead paint concerns – apparently the 17th major recall in the past 20 years from China for manufactured toys – has raised of course yet more concerns about the safety of China made product. Now, while for sure […]

China Briefing Blog wins silver in Chinalyst 2007 Blog Awards


The Chinalyst 2007 blog awards have completed voting, with the China Briefing Blog finishing a strong second in the highly popular and well contested “Best Business Law Blog” category. Warm congratulations are in order to the triumphant ChinaLawBlog, who energed worthy winners after quite a battle for votes over the past month. The top three […]

China and Africa: Aid, Trade and Guns


By Andy Scott Part Two: Aid and Trade The train station in Mbeya, Tanzania stands out among the other buildings in the city. It is the nicest structure in the city, and it, along with the railway that runs through it, was completely financed and built by the People’s Republic of China. Built between 1970 […]

U.S. Senate panel approves forex bill aimed at China


U.S. Senate Banking Committee approved legislation on Wednesday giving the Treasury Department new tools to pressure China to revalue its currency, despite the Bush administration’s warning the bills could trigger a wave of protectionism around the world according to Reuters. The bill tightens the definition of currency manipulation and would require the Treasury to label any country […]

Sarbanes-Oxley: Five years on


By Andy Scott Aug. 2 – Monday was the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, a law that has had a huge impact on business and accounting practices both in the United States, and overseas. One will remember that as a result of the financial scandals in the United States like […]

Tianjin to go wireless


The Tianjin municipal government has signed and agreement with the Ministry of Information Industry to construct a wireless broadband network in the Binhai New District of Tianjin. The Binhai district will be a trial location for China’s comprehensive reform of its computer networks according to Tianjin’s push to create a wireless city zone has made it one of the most […]

Study shows China, India lagging in economic well-being, living standards


China and India, the two economic powerhouses of a fast developing Asia, are lagging in terms of economic well-being and living standards of their population, a new study undertaken by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) shows. According to the International Comparison Program (ICP) in Asia and the Pacific: Purchasing Power Parity Preliminary Report, released yesterday, China […]

Guangzhou airport looks to become international cargo hub


GUANGZHOU, July 31 – Guangzhou Baiyun International, China’s third busiest airport after Beijing and Shanghai, is expanding its efforts to become an international air cargo and logistics hub in prosperous South China. China Daily reported that international logistics companies will play a larger part in reaching the goal, according to Liu Zijing, president of the […]

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