Economy & Trade

Vietnam passes China to become most attractive destination for FDI


Vietnam has exceeded China to become the most attractive destination for investment in production while the United Arab Emirates surpasses India to become an ideal place for investment in services, according new survey of emerging markets by Price Waterhouse Coopers. According to The Sunday Times, the index assesses 20 prominent emerging-market locations on the basis […]

China – India roundup, India Briefing launched


It’s been a busy week for Dezan Shira & Associates, the firm behind China Briefing, and it’s all to do with India. Last week the practice opened three offices – Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai – specializing in foreign direct investment legal and tax matters into India for international clients, and we here at China Briefing published […]

Beijing to ban a million cars in clean-air test


Beijing will take one million cars off the city’s streets for two weeks in August to rehearse traffic control measures for next year’s Olympic Games, organizers of the event have said. Sources with the Beijing organizing committee for the Olympic Games said that city authorities will clear Beijing’s roads between August 7 and 20. They […]

China policy increasingly important in U.S. presidential campaign


While many people in the United States are focusing on “made in China” tags and substandard food, China is reaching out to leading U.S. presidential candidates, holding an unpublicized meeting with several of their top foreign policy advisors. Vice Foreign minister Dai Bingguo recently had dinner with advisors to some of the leading presidential candidates including Sen. […]

China to allow FDI in defense sector


China will allow foreign investment in its defense sector according to state media Tuesday, as it looks to invigorate a long restricted and dormant sector. Beijing News (via AFP) is reporting that firms producing less-sensitive military equipment and products for broader civil and consumer markets will be allowed to solicit domestic and foreign investors as […]

Hong Kong celebrates 10 years under PRC rule


Hong Kong celebrated its tenth anniversary since returning to mainland China on Sunday. As with any arbitrary anniversary, this presents a moment to look back at that was, and what has happened since. Hong Kong has come a long way since those uncertain days in 1997. SARS and the Asian financial crisis hammered the city […]

Dezan Shira & Associates now an Asian practice


BEIJING, Jul. 2 – Dezan Shira & Associates opened three offices in India today, expanding its presence in Asia to 11 offices across the region. The Indian offices are the first for the firm outside greater China. Chris Devonshire-Ellis, the founding partner of Dezan Shira & Associates, and publisher of China Briefing, today commented at a press conference at […]

Welcome to the machine


Welcome to the machine. This message is timed to self-distruct modify in five seconds continuously. We are entering a new age. The future of information in less that 5 minutes: Feng Jun at MindMeters believes blogs have brought great changes to the opinion marketplace and to the media in general, his thoughts, via Danwei’s translators:

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