Human Resources & Payroll

Guangdong Adjusts Base Figure for Social Insurance Contributions


Several major cities in Guangdong, including Shenzhen, Dongguan and Guangzhou, recently released details on their average wages in 2013, which are used as the base figures to calculate the minimum and maximum contributions to social insurance and housing funds for employees.

China’s Expat Makeup: It’s Evolving, Not Shrinking


There has been much commentary made over the state of China’s expatriate market recently, with suggestions that it is shrinking. On the contrary, China’s expat community isn’t shrinking, but rather evolving to meet the new demands of China’s increasingly consumer-driven market.

Ten Provinces Release Guidelines on Wage Increases for 2014


Ten provinces in China have released “guidelines on wage increases” for 2014 that lay out suggested wage increases for enterprises based on several factors.

A Complete Guide to Minimum Wage Levels Across China 2014


Rising labor costs in China have been setting off alarms among foreign investors, even as the Central Government exerts pressure on maintaining economic growth targets. In keeping with our annual tradition here at China Briefing, a comprehensive list of minimum wages across China for 2014 is provided.

Slow Internet Speeds in China? It May Be Your Employees’ Doing


A recent spate of complaints over the poor speed of the internet in China, especially in the commercial sector, may be generally attributed to China’s extensive firewall and the country’s relatively slow progress in upgrading its relevant infrastructure such as 4G networks. But another factor may be worth considering if your business is suffering from slow internet speeds and problems downloading data—your employees’ use of company IT facilities.

Tips for Recruiting Retail Personnel in China


In this China Briefing exclusive interview, Miriam Wickertsheim, Director at Direct HR, discusses key recruitment considerations for enterprises operating in China’s retail space, including the impact of rising wages, opportunities in Tier Two cities and the relevance of second language skills for sales staff in the retail sector.

China’s 2014 Q1 Minimum Wage Hikes


China’s minimum wage levels increased across most regions in the country, with monthly rates growing by more than ten percent in Shanghai and Beijing,

Social Insurance Compliance in China


The social security system in China consists of five different types of insurance, plus one mandatory housing fund.

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