Human Resources & Payroll

Retaining Foreign Talent in China – Shanghai and Beijing Improve Foreign Residence Permit Rules


China’s first-tier cities trying to retain foreign talents: Find out more about the recent amendments introduced by Shanghai and Beijing municipal governments to their own Residence Permits for Foreign Talents in this article.

Employer Branding in China: Attracting Chinese Employees


Hiring competent and qualified staff is an integral step in the establishment of any company, and this is particularly true for foreign enterprises. For companies planning to operate within China, employing Chinese nationals can be particularly useful in overcoming linguistic, legal, and cultural barriers.

Line Up for your Chinese Green Card: China Makes Changes to Visa and Permit Policies to Attract Foreign Talent


Applying for visas and residence permits in China just got a lot easier. Foreigners in Shanghai who enter China with a non-work visa and later find employment will now be able to change their visa status by presenting relevant documents directly at either of Shanghai’s airports.

Sending employees to China on a Project Basis? Avoid an Unexpected Tax Bill


Many foreign investors don’t know is that seconding employees to the Chinese subsidiary may result in the parent company being subject to a wide array of Chinese taxes. This may even be the case if the company already has a subsidiary in China. The HR department is best positioned to avoid this from happening.

The Housing Fund in China – What Investors Need to Know


The Housing Fund is a unique feature of the Chinese welfare system, allowing employees to save money to pay for and maintain their own accommodation. Both employers and employees must make regular contributions into the Housing Fund.

What to Do When an Employee in China Gets Injured


Industrial accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence in China. Indeed, no matter where the workplace is, an accident may just be around the corner. As an employer, it is therefore important to know what to do if an employee gets injured, and what would happen if a company fails to perform these duties.

Outlook on Light Manufacturing in China: June 2015


Amidst an increasingly restive workforce on a wider range of issues, look for the central and provincial governments to address labor unrest with stricter inspections and by empowering local trade unions.

A Complete Guide to 2015 Minimum Wage Levels Across China


China Briefing releases an update of minimum wage levels across the People’s Republic of China every year, with the view of guiding foreign investors in their decision making. Minimum wages are updated throughout the year. In this article, we provide an overview of the new minimum wages as of May 2015.

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