Legal & Regulatory

China’s New Forex Regulations


Jan. 5 – Due to the significant transformation undergone in Chinese economy, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China issued the new “Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Exchange of China” effective August 1, 2008. Under these new regulations, more emphasis is placed on the administration of inflow and outflow of foreign exchange. […]

China Increases Export Tax Rebates


Jan. 5 – China’s Ministry of Finance announced that it will further increase tax rebates for exports including 533 hi-tech and machinery products beginning this year as its way of aiding the export market that has been hard hit by the global economic slowdown. Businesses exporting industrial robots and airplane navigation systems can now avail […]

China JV Quality Problems: Time to Increase the Permissible Value of the Foreign Partner’s Brand


By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Dec. 26 – 2008 has brought with it an apparently never-ending slew of problematic quality issues from MNC’s with substantial JVs in China, with no signs either that this is set to end anytime soon nor any pointers to the phenomena being industry specific. While international management must also carry part of […]

China to Establish Social Security Fund


Dec. 23 – China announced plans Monday to establish a social security number system for the welfare of its citizens. State media reported on Tuesday that the draft of the social insurance law was discussed by the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislature, on Monday. According to the draft, […]

China Raises Money Supply to Help Liquidity


Dec. 15 – China’s State Council has announced that it would increase money supply growth from 16 percent to 17 percent to stabilize the capital market and aid the slowing economy. The new figure is 3 to 4 percentage points above the total growth of economic output and consumer prices. The measure comes three days […]

China M&A, with Linguistics Attached Please


By Chris Devonshire-Ellis Dec. 3 – The recent approval of InBev’s acquisition of Anheuser-Busch by China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC) has caused some consternation amongst M&A lawyers in China. Being the first major deal to be subjected to China’s enhanced anti-monopoly laws which require MOC approval for deals that affect China-based businesses, the decision by […]

Economist: China to Increase Individual Income Tax Threshhold


Nov. 24 – China’s leading economist said that the government has decided to increase the individual income tax threshold to spur domestic consumption. Peking University professor Zhou Qiren told China Daily that the aggressive tax-reduction measures at corporate and personal levels aims to stimulate slowing domestic demand caused by the global economic crisis. “As far […]

Top Chinese Official Says Unemployment Situation Critical


Nov. 21 – A top Chinese official has warned that the country is facing critical unemployment problems brought about by the global credit crisis. China’s social security minister, Yin Weimin, announced measures to control rising unemployment.These include providing information on job vacancies and offering additional training for workers going back home. Government agencies will also […]

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