
China Cybersecurity Regulations – What do the New Draft Regulations Say?


A new draft regulation strengthens China’s cybersecurity and data protection framework. We look at what the document says.

The Chinese Tech Whitelist – Is China Trying to Replace Foreign Technology?


A Bloomberg report says China is formulating a Chinese tech whitelist to replace foreign tech, which China denies. We discuss what we know so far.

Q&A: How to Understand the Implementation of the PIPL in China?


We address frequently asked questions on the Personal Information Protection Law and compliance tips for companies doing business in and with China.

China’s Autonomous Driving Industry – An Introduction for Foreign Investors


China’s self-driving car industry has entered the fast lane. We explore how foreign investors can tap into the future of mobility.

PIPL China: Suggestions for Technical Compliance with Personal Information Protection Law


Technical suggestions to build a robust IT system, be PIPL compliant, and stay on top of risk assessment mechanisms.

The Personal Information Protection Law in China: A Legal Analysis


We explain some of the finer legal points of the new Personal Information Protection Law in China, including ways enterprises can prepare to be compliant.

Guangdong’s Pilot Program on Chief Data Officer: Accelerating Digitalization and Achieving Better Data Protection


We take Shenzhen’s example to demonstrate the role of the Chief Data Officer and service opportunities for businesses.

Critical Information Infrastructure in China – New Cybersecurity Regulations


We look at which companies will be affected by the regulations, new compliance obligations, and opportunities in the cybersecurity space. 

Showing 8 of 115 articles
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