Hong Kong Government Agencies List Every Business Should Know

Hong Kong Government Agencies List Every Business Should Know

Various agencies and organizations are essential in shaping policies and delivering public services in the vast landscape of government administration. This article provides a comprehensive list of government agencies and government organizations that every business in Hong Kong needs to know.

Government agencies list

Companies Registry

Companies Registry primarily focuses on streamlining the incorporation and registration of various business entities, ensuring their compliance with relevant legal requirements. They also provide accessible public services for obtaining information about the registered entities.

The organization holds a critical role in enforcing regulatory compliance among businesses and their executives per relevant ordinances. They handle money lender license applications and keep a record of available money lenders for public review. Since March 1, 2018, they have taken up a new responsibility as the licensing authority for trust and company service providers.

Inland Revenue Department (IRD)

The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is a vital institution dedicated to efficient revenue collection, providing superior service to taxpayers, and enforcing tax regulations compliance.

The organization also significantly contributes to Hong Kong’s economic health and stability through these efforts.

Customs and Excise Department

Goods tax collection, drug trafficking prevention, intellectual property, and consumer interests protection have successfully made the Customs and Excise Department the safeguard of Hong Kong’s trading integrity.

They also support legitimate trade and uphold international obligations to maintain Hong Kong’s esteemed reputation as a global trading hub.

Immigration Department

Beyond securing national safety, the Immigration Department is deeply committed to improving residents’ lives with secure identity cards and travel documents, ensuring residents are equipped with the utmost protection. The department also streamlines civil registration processes, handling everything from births and deaths to marriages.

In line with Hong Kong’s talent attraction objectives, the Immigrant Department is determined to create a hassle-free service environment through inclusivity, guaranteeing exceptional service without discrimination, and treating every member of the public with respect, kindness, and empathy.

Trade and Industry Department

The Trade and Industry Department is the driving force behind Hong Kong’s trade and industry growth. Their goal is to open trade and investment opportunities and create a welcoming environment for Hong Kong businesses to flourish globally through partnership building with trading allies, fostering economic collaborations, and actively participating in global trade organizations.

They’re committed to honoring Hong Kong’s international commitments and providing valuable support, especially to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to boost their competitiveness and enhance their products and services. With this diverse approach, the department is driving economic growth and supercharging trade development in Hong Kong.

Invest Hong Kong

Invest Hong Kong, known as InvestHK, is the driving force behind Hong Kong’s quest to solidify its status as the go-to global business epicenter in Asia. As the dedicated government department responsible for Foreign Direct Investment, InvestHK strategically attracts and nurtures investments essential for Hong Kong’s economic growth.

InvestHK supports overseas and Mainland entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and multinational corporations seeking to expand their operations in Hong Kong.

Intellectual Property Department

The Intellectual Property Department is the powerhouse ensuring robust protection of intellectual property rights in the region. Their primary functions involve:

  • Guiding the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development concerning policies and laws to safeguard intellectual property within Hong Kong.
  • Supplying civil legal counsel regarding matters related to intellectual property to government bureaus and departments.
  • Managing the registration process for trademarks, patents, designs, and organizations involved in copyright licensing.

This comprehensive approach contributes to a more enlightened and secure creative and business environment.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

The HKTDC has a mission dedicated to facilitating opportunities for Hong Kong’s enterprises. Their focus lies in delivering substantial value by fostering the trade of goods and services and establishing connections among global small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) via Hong Kong’s business platform.

The organization maintains a steadfast commitment to:

  • Pushing the boundaries through exploration, education, and innovation to foster growth and development.
  • Expanding upon Hong Kong’s economic achievements on a worldwide scale.
  • Generating and providing added value to clients.
  • Upholding trust, mutual respect, and transparency in every interaction and connection.

Labour Department

As the leading labor administrator, the department is committed to progressively improving the workforce’s well-being and promoting workplace safety and health.

To achieve this vision, the Labor Department strives to optimize human resources utilization by:

  • Offering a comprehensive range of employment services;
  • Ensuring the safety and health of individuals at work;
  • Fostering harmonious labor relations by promoting sound employment practices and resolving labor disputes;
  • Improving and safeguarding the rights and benefits of employees fairly and equitably.

Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)

The organization functions as Hong Kong’s central bank. It fulfills four primary roles:

  • Ensuring the stability of the local currency under the Linked Exchange Rate System;
  • Protect the stability and trustworthiness of the financial system, which encompasses the banking sector;
  • Contributing to Hong Kong’s global financial hub position involves maintaining and enhancing the city’s financial infrastructure;
  • Overseeing the management of the Exchange Fund.

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)

HKIAC has become one of the world’s leading players in arbitration, mediation, adjudication, and domain name dispute resolution. Some of the organization’s primary roles include offering arbitration, mediation, adjudication, and domain name dispute resolution, allowing businesses to choose the most appropriate method for their needs.

The organization is also dedicated to innovative commitment to evolving arbitration practices to meet the ever-changing business needs.

Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

As the voice of business for the past 161 years, the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce has grown with Hong Kong and its business community. Their core functions include:

  • Advocating for and protecting the interests of Hong Kong’s business community;
  • Facilitating the growth of members’ global networks with businesses, governments, and institutions;
  • Hosting more than 500 annual events for members to support business expansion;
  • Offering customized services like business documentation, staff training, event management, and venue rental according to the members’ needs.

Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)

The organization’s six objectives under the HKTB Ordinance are:

  • Actively market Hong Kong as a top global city in Asia and a premier destination for tourists;
  • Strive to enhance tourism’s role in boosting Hong Kong’s economy;
  • Offer appropriate support to individuals and businesses serving tourists in Hong Kong;
  • Collaborate with the government in emphasizing the significance of tourism to the local community;
  • Visitor facilities and amenities improvements advocacy;
  • Offer guidance and suggestions to the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR concerning actions to advance the goals above.

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)

Through their Corporate Partnerships and Funding Capital Overview endeavors, the HKSTP will:

  • Support the technology and innovation-focused business;
  • Provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources for tech startups;
  • Encourage R&D and foster partnerships between academia and industry.

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)

To ensure that food sold in Hong Kong is safe and fit for consumption, as well as to maintain a clean and sanitary living environment for Hong Kong residents, FEHD is committed to the following efforts:

  • Ensure proper sanitation and waste management practices;
  • Conduct inspections and enforce food safety standards;
  • Oversee food safety and hygiene regulations for the food industry.

Environmental Protection Department

In order to realize their vision to create a green and sustainable Hong Kong in the long run, the organization is committed to:

  • Manage environmental regulations and business permits;
  • Monitor air and water quality to maintain a sustainable environment;
  • Policies implementation to reduce pollution and combat climate change.

These responsibilities are divided into six program areas, which are:

Hong Kong Competition Commission

The Commission's goal is to ban activity that inhibits, restricts, or distorts competition, as well as mergers that significantly reduce competition in Hong Kong through the following efforts:

  • Investigate conduct that may violate the Ordinance's competition rules and enforce the Ordinance's provisions;
  • Promote public understanding of the value of competition and how the Ordinance promotes competition;
  • Promote the adoption of appropriate internal controls and risk management systems by undertakings carrying on business in Hong Kong and ensure their compliance with the Ordinance.

Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)

SFC’s primary tasks include preserving and advancing the securities and futures industry's fairness, efficiency, competitiveness, transparency, and orderliness. Their work encompasses the following areas:

  • Establishing and enforcing market regulations, including investigating rule violations and market misconduct;
  • Licensing and monitoring intermediaries1 who carry out operations under the SFC's regulatory jurisdiction;
  • Supervising market participants, such as exchanges, clearing houses, share registrars, and alternative trading platforms, and assisting in the improvement of market infrastructure;
  • approving investment products and offering paperwork before distributing them to retail investors;
  • Oversight of legislation governing public company takeovers and mergers, as well as The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited's regulation of listing matters;
  • cooperating with and assisting local, Mainland, and international regulatory authorities; and
  • Educating investors on market processes, investment dangers, and their rights and obligations.

Regulatory counterparts

SFC is one of the four financial regulators in Hong Kong to ensure proper conduct in the markets and to forestall financial crime



Major functions


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • Manages the Exchange Fund;
  • Regulates financial institutions, including banks and deposit-taking companies; and,
  • Conducts monetary policy operations.


The Insurance Authority

Regulates and supervises the insurance industry

Mandatory provident fund system

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

Regulates and supervises the provident schemes

Securities and futures


Regulates the securities and futures market


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